Addressing a major unmet contraceptive need. Ready for Phase III.

Protected by six US patents (9,675,622; 9,925,199; 10,111,887; 10,463,678, 10,537,582, and 11,103,515) and an
EPO (European) patent​ EP 2790688 B1. Phase III Ready.
Marketed oral contraceptives do not work well for overweight and obese women due to an increased risk of pregnancy and serious side effects. With obesity rates and unintended pregnancies at epidemic levels, reliable contraception for overweight women is a major unmet medical need.
Unlike any other contraceptive pill, Nuvocept is designed to address these concerns:
Up to 3 times lower pregnancy rates
2 - 3-fold reduced risk of serious side effects
The FDA has endorsed an unprecedented clinical program focused exclusively on overweight and obese women and finalized a pathway to the unique Nuvocept label
A low-risk, low-cost, rapid program: <$20M in total R&D costs; 3.5 years to the US market
Nuvocept is expected to dominate a multibillion-dollar segment of the US market. Peak gross sales will likely exceed $1.4B/year (US-only estimate)
Note: The FDA has also endorsed a clinical program for Duacept - an improved version of the best-selling EU oral contraceptive brand. It is a great option for normal-weight women that is US- and EU-patented and ready for Phase III. Duacept may be developed in parallel with Nuvocept for ~ $5M